Be a Raven

What does it mean to be a Raven?

You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.”

—1 Kings 17:4

Elijah was in a vulnerable state. God provided for him through the ravens. Birds thought of as dirty scavengers were used by God to care for the prophet. We believe that many in this next generation in Uganda are in a vulnerable state. We also believe that God can use all of us to provide for them, restoring hope and building a better future. You can be a Raven through your generosity. 

Currently, 40 youth are fully supported by Ravens Uganda, and there is a growing waiting list of over 80 people. 

What your gifts provide:

A full year for one student costs $2,400, or $200 a month. 

No matter your financial situation, you can make an impact by becoming a Raven through a one-time gift, an annual donation, or being a monthly sustainer. Here is the average breakdown of costs per student:

  • Tuition: $65/month

  • Food: $20/month

  • Housing: $25/month

  • Healthcare: $20/month

  • Transportation: $45/month

  • Emergency Fund: $25/month


Restore hope today. Become a Raven.